In lieu of flowers or gifts, Gerry has asked that you support a Parkinson's nonprofit organization.
A couple of his favorites are listed below.
Are you working for an employer who has a donation matching program? Don't forget to submit to have your donation matched. Every dollar counts!
PD-Connect® is a local community forum where the physical and emotional needs of the Parkinson’s community can find active support and encouragement. We provide this as a nonprofit organization offering donation-based exercise classes and wellness programs.
PD-Connect represents the vision and passion of Lisa Oei, a physical therapist and Parkinson’s wellness coach, and SteF Farina, Communications Director and Certified Fitness Trainer.
The Michael J. Fox Foundation is dedicated to finding a cure for Parkinson's disease through an aggressively funded research agenda and to ensuring the development of improved therapies for those living with Parkinson's today.